

  1. Asyhar, A., R. Febriansah, R.A. Ashari, R.A Susidarti, dan E.Meiyanto, 2008, Modulasi Ekspresi Protein N-ras Ekstrak Etanolik Rumput Mutiara (Hedyotis corymbosa) pada Sel Hepar Tikus Galur Sprague Dawley Terinduksi 7, 12-Dimentilbenz[a]antrasena, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN : 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 127-129 [Abstract] [full text] Download: ikon_pdf
  2. Adnan, AZ., Meiyanto, E., Rustini, dan Teti Dynaila, 2008, Uji Sitotoksisitas fraksi Alkaloid Fenantroindolizidin dari Kulit Batang Ficus obscura Miq. Secara In Vitro dengan MTT-Colorimetric Assay, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN : 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 107-110 [Abstract] [full text] Download: ikon_pdf
  3. Adina, AB., Franciscus Feby Handoko, Indah Ikawati Setyarini, E.P. Septisetyani, S, Riyanto, dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Estrak Etanolik Kulit Jeruk Nipis (Citrus Aurantifolia (Cristm. Swingle)) Meningkatkan Sensitivitas sel MCF-7 terhadap Doxorubicin, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN : 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 55 – 62 [Abstract] [full text ] Download: ikon_pdf
  4. Dewi Pratiwi, Novi Hastuti, Inna Armandari, Niken Nur W, Muthi’ Ikawati, Sugeng Riyanto, dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Ekstrak Etanolik Kulit Jeruk Nipis (Citrus Aurantiifolia (Cristm.) Swingle) meningkatkan Ekspresi p53 Pada Sel Payudara Tikus Galur Spraygue Dawley Terinduksi 7,12-Dimetilbenzen[a]antrasena, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN : 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 100 – 106 [Abstract] [full text] Download ikon_pdf
  5. Diah Ayu Putri K, Perdana Adhi Nugroho, Andita Pra Darma, Muthi’ Ikawati, Sugeng Riyanto, dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Potensi Kemopreventif Ekstrak Etanolik Kulit Jeruk Keprok (Citrus reticulata) pada Sel Kanker Hepar Tikus Galur Sprague Dawley Terinduksi 7, 12-Dimetilbenz[A]antrasena Melalui Penekanan Ekspresi c-Myc,Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN : 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 75 – 80 [Abstract] [full text] Download ikon_pdf
  6. Dyani P. Sukamdi, Stefani, Kartika D. Palupi, E.Meiyanto, dan R.A. Susidarti, 2008, Potensi Antiproliferasi Ekstrak Etanolik Hedyotis corimbosa (L) Lamk Terhadap Sel Hepar Tikus Terinduksi 7, 12-Dimetil Benz(a)antrazena, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN : 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 81 – 88 [full text] Download:ikon_pdf
  7. Kusharyanti, I., Ari Widiyantoro, Maryati dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Aktivitas Sitotoksik Ekstrak Kulit Batang Pauh Kijang ( Irvingia Malayana Oliv.), Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 36 – 41 [Abstract] [full text] Download: ikon_pdf
  8. Untung, J., M.Fitria, L. Indriyani, E. P. Septiseptyani, dan R.I. Jenie, 2008, Ekstrak Etanolik Daun Samba Colok (Aerva sanguinolenta (L.) BI.) Sebagai penguat Pemacuan Apoptosis Doxorubicin pada sel MCF7, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 117 – 123 [Abstract] [full text] Download ikon_pdf
  9. Supriyati, MD., Rosa Adelina, Dwi Ana Nawangsari, Muthi’ Ikawati, dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Modulasi Ekspresi c-Myc Sel Epitelial Kelenjar payudara Tikus oleh Ekstrak Etanolik Kulit Jeruk Keprok ( Citrus reticulata),Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 70 – 74 [Abstract] [full text] Download: ikon_pdf
  10. Mubarok, MF., Dewi Arum, Ainun Wulandari, R.I Jenie., E.P. Septisetyani dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Peningkatan Aktivitas Sitotoksik Doxorubisin terhadap Sel Kanker Payudara MCF-7 menggunakan Ekstrak Etanolik Daun Awar-awar (Ficus Septica Burm. F), Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, , ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0 [Abstract] [full text] Download: ikon_pdf
  11. Ardiani, M., N. Puspita, Fina A.G., E. P. Septisetyani, dan E.Meiyanto, 2008, Ekstrak Etanolik Kulit Buah Jeruk Mandarin (Citrus Reticulata) Memacu Proliferasi an Ekspresi Cox-2 pada Sel Kanker Kolon WiDr, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, , ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 193 – 198 [Abstract] [full text] Download: ikon_pdf
  12. Hastuti, N., Dewi Pratiwi, Inna Armandari, Niken Nur W., Muthi’ Ikawati, Sugeng Riyanto, dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Ekstrak Etanolik Kulit Jeruk Nipis (citrus Aurantiifollia (Cristm.) Swingle) Menginduksi Apopotosis Pada sel Payudara Tikus Galur Spraygue Dawley Terinduksi 7, 12-Dimetilbenz[a]antrasena, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, , ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 94 – 99 [Abstract] [full text ] Download:ikon_pdf
  13. Puspita, N., Ardiani, M., Fina A.G., E. P. Septisetyani, dan E. Meiyanto, 2008, Ekstrak Etanolik Kulit Jeruk Mandarin (Citrus Reticulata) Meningkatkan Ekspresi Faktor Angiogenik VEGF pada Sel Kanker Kolon WiDr,Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 50 – 54 [Abstract] [full text] Download: ikon_pdf
  14. Perdana Adhi N., Diah Ayu P.K.W, Andita P.D., Sugeng Riyanto, dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Penelusuran Mekanisme Penekanan Ekspresi N-Ras Ekstrak Etanolik Kulit Jeruk Keprok (Citrus reticulata) Sebagai Agen Kemopreventif Docking Molekuler pada Protein Target C-SRC dan CYP1A2, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia,ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 184 – 192 [Abstract] [full text]Downloadikon_pdf
  15. Rifki Febriansah, Aditya Asyhar, Rosana Anna A., Ratna Asmah S., Muthi’ Ikawati, dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Ekstrak Etanolik Rumput Mutiara (Hedyotis corymbosa) Berefek Antiproliferasi Terhadap Sel Hepar Tikus Galur Spraygue Dawley Terinduksi 7, 12 Dimetil Benz(a)antrazena Melalui Penghambatan Ekspresi Protein c-Myc,Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 88 – 93 [Abstract] [full text] Downloadikon_pdf
  16. Ulfia Mutiara S., Septi Embun S.A., Navista Sri.O.U., Ratna Asmah S, Muthi’Ikawati, dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Kajian Molekuler Senyawa Aktif Ekstrak Etanolik Hedyotis Corymbosa pada Protein Era Serta Efek Antiproliferasinya terhadap Sel Kanker Payudara Tikus Galur Sprague Dawley Terinduksi 7, 12 Dimetil Benz(a)antrasena, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 62 – 69 [Abstract] [full text] Download: ikon_pdf
  17. Yustina E.H., Ratih H.P., Y. Gilang Ikhtiarsyah dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Peningkatan Aktivitas Antiproliferatif Doxorubicin melalui Kombinasi dengan Ekstrak Etanolik Kulit Batang Waru ( Hibiscus Tiliaceus ) terhadap Sel WiDr, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 42 – 49 Download: ikon_pdf
  18. Kumala, S., Septisetyani EP., and Meiyanto, E., 2009, Fraksi n-butanolik kapang endofit Buah Makasar meningkatkan efek apoptosis doxorubicin pada sel MCF-7, Majalah Farmasi Indon., 20(1): 42-47
  19. Meiyanto E., Sri Handayani, RA Susidarti, and EP Septisetyani, 2009, Areca (Areca catechu L.) Seeds Ethanolic extract and its chloroform fraction increase apoptotic effect of doxorubicin on MCF-7 cells, j. ilm.Farm. Ind., vol 7 No. 1: 13-18
  20. Meiyanto E., Handayani S., Susidarti RA., and Jenie RI, 2009, Chloroform fraction of Areca (Areca catechu L.,) Induces apoptosis an decreases BCl-2 expression on MCF-7 cells, Mal. J. Pharm., Vol 1 (7): 290-294 [Abstract]


  1. Meiyanto E., Sri Handayani, dan Riris Istighfari Jenie, 2008, Ekstrak etanolik kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis(L) Savi ex Hassk) meningkatkan proliferasi sel epitel payudara dan perkembangan kelenjar payudara melalui peningkatan ekspresi reseptor estrogen, Majalah farmasi. Indon., 19(4):191-197
  2. Hamid, IS., Sugiyanto, Meiyanto, E., and Widyarini S., 2008, Ekspresi p53 pada kelenjar mammae tikus galur Sprague Dawley setelah inisiasi DMBA dan pemberian kemopreventif Gynura procumbens, Media Ked Hewan, 24(3): 171-176
  3. Jenie, RI., and Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Combination of Sambung Nyawa (Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr.) leaves ethyl acetate fraction (SEF)-Doxorubicin (dox) induces apoptosis in human breast cancer T47D Cells,Proceeding The International symposium on Molecular targeted Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, pp. 37-47. [full text] ikon_pdf
  4. Septisetyani, EP., Muthi’ Ikawati, Barinta Widaryanti and Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Apoptosis mediated cytotoxicity of curcumin analogues PGV-0 and PGV-1 in WiDr cell line, Proceeding The International symposium on Molecular targeted Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, pp. 48-56. [full text] ikon_pdf
  5. Edison Chrisnanto, Rosa Adelina, Dyaningtyas Dewi P.P, M.N. Abdi Sahid, Diah Setyaningtias, Riris Istighfari Jenie and Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Antiangiogenic effect of ethanol extract of Citrus reticulata peel in the Chorio Allantoic Membrane (CAM) induced by bFGF, Proceeding The International symposium on Molecular targeted Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, pp. 57-66. [full text] ikon_pdf
  6. Sri Handayani, Edy Meiyanto and Ratna Asmah Susidarti, 2008, Areca (Areca catechu L.) seeds ethanolic extract and its chloroform fraction induce apoptosis and decrease COX-2 expression on WiDr cells, Proceeding The International symposium on Molecular targeted Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, pp. 67-74. [full text] ikon_pdf
  7. Fitria Rahmi, Edy Meiyanto and Ratna Asmah Susidarti, 2008, Apoptosis effect of Areca catechu L. chloroform fraction on T47D cells, Proceeding The International symposium on Molecular targeted Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, pp. 75-82. [full text]ikon_pdf
  8. Ilyas Pratomo, Larasati, Sri Handayani, Perdana and Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Chemoprevention effects of ethanolic extract Keprok Citrus peels (Citrus reticulata) on epithelial mammary and liver cells of Sprague Dawley rats induced by 7,12-Dimethylbenz-[a]anthracene, Proceeding The International symposium on Molecular targeted Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, pp. 83-93. [full text] ikon_pdf
  9. Sarmoko, Ika Dyaning Ratri, Rifki Febriansah, A. Fauzi Romadhon, A. Perdana Adhi Nugroho, Edy Meiyanto , Ratna Asmah Susidarti and B. S. Ari Sudarmanto, 2008, Cytotoxic effect of ethanolic extract of Temu Kunci (Kaempferia pandurata) and Sirihan (Piper aduncum L.) on breast cancer line, Proceeding The International symposium on Molecular targeted Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, pp. 94-102.[full text] ikon_pdf
  10. Muhammad Iqbal, Haryadha Agustian, Ratna Asmah Susidarti, B.S. Ari Sudarmanto and Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Molecular docking of Coumarin and its derivative to Protein Kinase C (PKC) and tubulin receptors : Inhibition and interaction study to those receptors correlated with Artemisia vulgaris L. leaves extract’s cytotoxic effect in T47D cell, Proceeding The International symposium on Molecular targeted Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, pp. 103-114. [full text]ikon_pdf
  11. Meiyanto E., Sri Handayani, RA Susidarti, and Riris I Jenie, 2008, Areca (Areca catechu L.) Seeds Ethanolic extract and its chloroform fraction increase apoptotic effect of doxorubicin on human colon cancer cells, j. Bahan Alam Ind., 6(5): 169-175. [abstract] [Full Text]ikon_pdf
  12. Meiyanto E., Susidarti Asmah R., Handayani S., dan Rahmi F., 2008, Ekstrak Etanolik Biji Buah Pinang (Areca catechu L.) Mampu Menghambat Proliferasi dan Memacu Apoptosis Sel MCF-7, Majalah Farmasi Indonesia, 19(1) : 12-19. [full text]


  1. Meiyanto, E., 2007, Curcumin and PGV-0 suppress in vitro osteoclastogeneis and induce apoptosis on osteoclast cells, Proceedings of the international symposium on recent progress in curcumin research 11-12 september 2006, Yogyakarta-Indonesia, ISBN: 978-979-3485-55-3: 269-276 [abstract] [full text]
  2. Meiyanto, E., Supardjan, Da’i, M, Agustina, D, 2007, Pentagamavunon-0 induces Apoptosis on T47D breast cancer cell line through Caspase-3 activation, Jurnal Kedokteran Yarsi, 15(2): 075-079 [abstract] [full text]
  3. Dai M., Supardjan AM., Meiyanto E., and Jenie UA., 2007, Geometrics Isomers and Cytotoxic Effect on T47D Cells of Curcumin Analogues PGV-0 and PGV-1, Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 18 (1): 40-47 [abstract] [full text]
  4. Muhammad Dai, Anis Fiveri, and Meiyanto E., 2007, Efek Sitotoksik Ekstrak Tanaman Keladi Tikus, Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia, 3(4): 163-167
  5. Dai M., Supardjan AM., Meiyanto E., Jenie UA., and Masashi K., 2007, Potensi proliferatif analog kurkumin: pentagamavunon terhadap sel kanker payudara T47D, Artocarpus, 7(1):14-20[full tex]ikon_pdf
  6. Dai M., Supardjan AM., Meiyanto E., Jenie UA., and Masashi K., 2007, Curcumin Induce Apoptosis On Breast Cancer Cell line with Wild Type and Mutant p53 Status , Proceeding on International conference on traditional medicine and medicinal plants, 8-9 September.
  7. Jenie, R.I., and Meiyanto, E., 2007, Co-chemotherapy of Sambung Nyawa (Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr.) Leaves Ethanolic Extract and Doxorubicin on Breast Cancer Cell, Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 18 (2): 81-87[abstract] [full text]ikon_pdf
  8. Meiyanto E., Rahmi, F., dan Riyanto, S, 2007, Cytotoxic Effect of Semipolar Fraction of Methanolic Extract of the Bark of Erythrina fusca Lour on Hela Cells, Journal of Traditional Medicines, 11 (41): 1-11 [abstract] [full text] ikon_pdf
  9. Meiyanto E., Susilowati s., Tasminatun S, Murwanti R., and Sugiyanto, 2007, Chemopreventive effect of ethanolic extract of Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr. on the carcinogenesis of Rat breast cancer development, Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 18(3): 154-161 [abstract] [full text]
  10. Meiyanto E., Susilowati S., Tasminatun S, Murwanti R., dan Sugiyanto, 2007, Inhibition of DMBA induced-Rat mammae tumor development by ethanolic extract of Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr. , Majalah Farmasi Indonesia, 18(4): 169-175 [full text] ikon_pdf
  11. Setyowati Prawita E, Sudarsono, Rahmat R., Kardono B., 2007, Jenie Anggara U., dan ., Meiyanto E., Isolasi Senyawa Sitotoksik Spons Kaliapsis, Majalah Farmasi Indonesia, 18 (4) : 183-189 [full tex]ikon_pdf


  1. Meiyanto, E., Melannisa, R., Da’i, M, 2006, PGV-1 Decreases Angiogenic Factor (VEGF and COX-2) Expression on T47D Cell Induced by Estrogen,Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 17 (1):01-06 [abstract] [full text]
  2. Meiyanto, E., Supardjan, Da’i, M, Agustina, D, 2006, Antiproliferative Effect of Pentagamavunon-0 on Breast Cancer Cell Line T47D, Jurnal Kedokteran Yarsi, 14 (1), 11-15 [abstract] [full text]
  3. Nurulita, NA., and Meiyanto, E., 2006, The Anticancer Effects of Pentagamavunon-0 (PGV-0) to T47D Cell Line Induced by 17-B-Estadiol through Apoptosis Induction and Angiogenesis Suppression Mechanism, Sains Kesehatan, 19, (1): 109-125 [abstract]
  4. Jenie, R.I., Meiyanto, E., dan Murwanti, R, 2006, Antiangiogenic Effect of Sambung Nyawa Leaves (Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr.) Etanolic Extract on Chick Embryo Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM), Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 17 (1): 50-55 [abstract] [full text]
  5. Meiyanto E, Melannisa R., and Dai M., 2006, Penurunan ekspresi BCl-2 berperan dalam apoptosis sel kanker payudara T47D yang diinduksi PGV-1 dan 17-b-estradiol, Pharmacon, vol 7, No. 2, 58-62


  1. Meiyanto, E., and Septistyani, EP, 2005, Antiproliferative and Apoptotic Effect of Fenolic Fraction of Ethanolic Extract of Gynura Procumbens (Lour.) Merr. Against Hela Cells, Artocarpus, (5) 2: 74-80 [abstract] [full text]
  2. Maryati, Meiyanto, E., and Riyanto, S., 2005, Uji Sitotoksik dan isolasi flavonoid dari fraksi etil asetat daun Gynura procumbens (Lour) Merr, Pharmacon, Vol 6 No. 2, 46-50 [abstract] [full text] Download: ikon_pdf


  1. Meiyanto, E., Sismindari, dan Triastuti, A., 2004, Antiproliferative effect ethanolic extract of  Cangkring (Erythrina fusca Lour) bark toward Myeloma cell, J. Ilmiah farmasi UII.
  2. Murwanti R., Meiyanto E., Nurrochmad A.,Kristina S.A., 2004, Effect of Curcuma zedoaria Rosc. Ethanolic Extract on the Lung Tumor Growth on Post Initiation Phase in Female Mice Induced by Benzo(a)pyrene,Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 15 (1): 7 – 12 [abstract] [full text]
  3. Da’i, M., Meiyanto, E., and Supardjan, A.M., 2004, Antiproliferative effect of Pentagamavunon-0 on Myeloma cells, Health Science, 17(1)


  1. Meiyanto, E., Supardjan A.M., and Da’i, M., 2003, Antiproliferative effect of PGV-0 (a curcumin analogue) against HeLa cells, Gama Sains, 5 (3): 200-206
  2. Sugiyanto, Sudarto, B., Meiyanto, E., and Nugroho, A.E., 2003, The Anticarcinogenic Activity of Plants Compounds, Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 14(3): 132-141 [abstract] [full text]
  3. Meiyanto, E., Sismindari, Chandra, L., and Moordiani, 2003, Antiproliferative Effect of the Bark and Leaves of Erythrina fusca Lour Against HeLa Cells, Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 14(3): 124-131 [abstract] [full text]


  1. Da’i, M., Meiyanto, E., and Supardjan, A.M., 2002, Antiproliferative effect of curcumin on Raji cell line, Pharmacon, 3(2): 40-45


  1. Meiyanto, E., Hoshijima M., Ogawa T., Ishida N., and Takeya T., 2001, Osteoclast Differentiation Factor Modulates Cell Cycle Machinery and Causes a Delay in S Phase Progression in RAW264 cells, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 282: 278-283 [abstract] [full text]
  2. Meiyanto, E., Jun-ichi Mineno, Ishida N and Takeya T., 2001, Application of fluorescently labeled poly (dU) for gene expression profiling on cDNA microarrays, BioTechniques, 31 (2) [abstract]

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